Sunday 15 January 2012

Bean Seed Days 10 and 13

As you might have recognized from the title of this blog post, these are my plants! That's right, my bean seeds! The one on the top is Day 10, but in the morning. The one in the middle is day 10, but in the afternoon. The one on the bottom is day 13. Hasn't it changed so much? I had to transplant the beans into a different pot, and I realized that the bean's roots are SO big! When most people transplant, lots of the roots fall off, and they might die. I have been observing the beans and found out that they aren't dying - YET...  

Saturday 7 January 2012

Bean Seed - Day 6

This was the bean seed that sprouted the first - well, guess what? The skin peeled off and showed the real sprout underneath. We have been shining the light on all of the seeds and they have been growing much better since then! Now, the rest of the bean seeds (there are 2 more) have sprouted as well. But the other beans' didn't exactly lose their skin the same way. Actually, they didn't lose their skin at all!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Bean Seed - Day 4

It's now day 4 and one of the bean seeds has started to germinate - that means that the skin has broken and a little shoot is pointing out. You can see it if you look very closely on the right of the photo. It's very cold in Hong Kong right now, so we're going to put the glasshouse under a reading light to keep it warm.

Monday 2 January 2012

Bean Seed - Day 1

I got a cool greenhouse set for Christmas, and I already got started on my first seed! (Well, not technically, I have planted bean seeds before.) This is what the bean seed looks like on day 1. I love planting - because it's just like how we grow, we need food and water, and the plants need food and water. We need care and the plants need care. I think it's just like watching us grow and how we change - except that what we are watching plants grow and change.